Bovec Primary School students learned about technical professions at the Siapro company


Children of Bovec Primary School learned about technical professions at the Siapro company
At Siapro, we had the opportunity to host students of Bovec Primary School, who visited us as part of their technical day. Our employees presented them with various technical and other professions and the production of our equipment. The students watched with great interest the manufacturing process of sandblasting machines, foundry equipment and small hydroelectric plants. They got to know all the stages, from planning with drawing plans for electrical and hardware equipment, to final assembly. In addition, they also watched presentation films of our company and our larger machines. To conclude, we visited together a small hydroelectric plant, which we built for our customer years ago and is located near our company. This power plant uses the water power of the Idrijca River.
SIAPRO d.o.o.
Постая, 9
5216, Мост на Сочи
Словения, Европа

Тел: +386 5 3841 632

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