Модернизация завода песка II

Краткое описание:

Модернизация завода по подготовке формовочного песка

Тип оборудования:

Завод со смесителем M100


LIVAR d.d., 

Место дислокации:


Комментарии: Модернизация системы управления завода предусматривала полную замену всех систем и блоков питания и блоков управления на базе контроллера Simatic S7-3152DP. Модернизирована система измерения влажности и температуры. Произведена замена приводов дозирующей системы и миксера М100. Дозировка добавок в возвращаемый после использования песок осуществляется с помощью весовых модулей Siwarex  интегрированных в конфигурацию контроллера, который управляет частотным регулятором дозировки определенных добавок. Эта процедура обеспечивает необходимую точность и воспроизводимость дозирования.

Describtion: Restore of sand control preparations with equipment Simatic S7-3152DP. Content of renovation covered the complete exchange control system, which included restoration of power components to power all dosing systems and powered mixers M100. Upgraded system for measuring humidity and temperature measurements in the return line of the prepared sand and gravel. Dosage return sand and associated additives is carried out through Siwarex weighing modules that are integrated directly into the configuration of the controller, which controls over the frequency regulators dosage of certain additives. This procedure ensures the required accuracy and repeatability of dosing.

Based on measured data and previous recipes through the controller calculating the necessary quantity of water, and it also automatically enters the stage of mixing. Water enters through a pneumatically-operated valves, but the quantity is detected by the flow meter.

The whole process of sand is controlled through the "10''Touch Screen Display, where in addition to monitoring the process all diagnostics and alarm, review the history of measurements, adjust recipes and various production reports.

Manual override device is done via the additional "touch screen" displays in close proximity to each mixer. Main powered mixer is implemented through Powerboss soft start, which allows soft start blender without adverse mechanical shock at startup, and allows operation optimized in terms of saving energy and decreasing reactive power.

Built-in, a system for analyzing the quality of the el. power and reactive power control.

On the back line of sand has also been upgraded system predvlaženja sand. Built in the improved system to measure the amount of sand on the belt as well as control over water consumption. The system is integrated into the central PLC in the preparation of the sand. The application also allows remote control via SCADA applications, which offers even greater insight into the history of events.
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